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Amk n*wi

I fucking hate the scorch shot

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The Scorch Shot is the Worst Thing to Ever Happen To Human Civilization Between Over 130 Million Different Parallel Universes There is no weapon in TF2 that can compare the absolutely skilless, zero effort, “Participation Award”-esque, spammable, mongoloid who uses the Scorch Shot.

It actually requires so little effort to use that a 600 lb, body pillow kissing, neck-beard, grease lord looks like an olympic athlete when compared next to this abomination.

This monstrosity that makes every single tragedy in existence look moot is quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen.

This brainless, actually bot level skill tier weapon that an elderly alzheimer’s patient on a kilo of meth could easily use is the equivalent of a pile of aids incarnate.

The rancid code that makes this weapon is so cursed and distraught that if a computer program could kill itself, this weapon would go “hl2.exe has stopped working” faster than a bolt of lighting.

The people who use this thing cannot be classified as living organisms, as a rock has more life in it than all of these people combined.

The Scorch Shot is proof that there is no god, only hell, and we’re all going to burn there because we let the Scorch Shot be birthed into this world.

This vile weapon is the reason why there is not and never will be a cure for cancer.

This weapon makes Chernobyl look like an insanely OCD’s person bedroom with how much filth this weapon has around it.

Pyro isn’t wearing a flame retardant suit people, that’s a hazmat suit so he doesn’t die instantly from how radioactive that fecal disaster is.

The Scorch Shot is the reason why Greenland has the highest suicide rate of any place on earth.

They put a Scorch Shot in China: that’s the reason why the air there is the equivalent to sucking on a cars muffler.

I hate this weapon so much that an uncountable infinity couldn’t contain all of it.

I hate this weapon so much, the entirety of anything and everything that could be considered racist doesn’t have a sliver of the hatred I feel for this damn weapon.

I would rather be trapped in a room where the wall paper is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ guy than having to be in the solar system as the one that houses the Scorch Shot.

The Scorch Shot makes W+M1 pyros look like snipers who you think have aimbot, but are actually so good at clicking on heads that they have ascended.

I trust the Scorch Shot about as much as I trust Minecraft YouTuber’s who say they’re not pedophiles.

There are Black Box, Conch soldiers with a Kritz and an Über medic GF’s that put more effort into tryharding on Dustbowl than any Pyro ever has with the scorch shot.

It should be considered a federal crime to equip the Scorch Shot

The Scorch Shot is about as funny as Amy Schumer

I have more respect for Epic Games and the Epic Store than I do for anything cancer sack that has ever used the Scorch Shot.

If a giant meteor blew up Earth and I died. I wouldn’t be able to pass on because I hate the Scorch Shot that much.

You’re actually so terrible if you have to run the Scorch Shot, hackers call you terrible at the game.

The Scorch Shot makes the black death plague look like paradise.

The skill ceiling for the Scorch Shot is so low, Chandra Bahadur Dangi looks like Robert Wadlow next to it.

I have nothing more to say about the Scorch Shot.

I fucking hate it.

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