you dramatic fuck you are so dramatic it pisses me off you insecure fucking prick I honestly can’t stand you you’re- on- it’s like your brain- your brain doesn’t fucking work, you idiot- you’re honestly an idiot I don’t know- I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but your ego is pissing me off, you think- you think you’re the shit, you think you’re so high and mighty, yea- I mean you- you’re literally comparing yourself to a god, whereas you’re far from it, you still- you’re still stupid in your fucking head, idiot, you’re honestly an idiot, you’re an imbecile, and I can’t stand you, I can’t stand you, this is manifested, this is like- this has- this has- this has been something in my heart for a long time, you tried to ruin me you fucking prick, you tried to ruin- you fucking prick, the only way this will get through your thick head going through fucking the internet ’cause you- ’cause you’re an egoistical prick fuck you and I can’t be arsed with you anymore